Circadia SWiCH Dermal Rejuvenation System

Circadia’s SWiCH Dermal Rejuvenation System seamlessly integrates the latest scientific findings with the magical power of revitalised skin. This unique system, developed by Dr. Pugliese, represents a paradigm shift from traditional, invasive chemical and manual exfoliation techniques to gentler alternatives. Unlike established peel methods, SWiCH helps restore skin to its optimal appearance without inflicting any injury or downtime.

Chemical peels work by damaging the skin to initiate its natural repair mechanisms. In contrast, SWiCH employs biological metabolites that naturally function in almost every cell of the body to stimulate energy production. SWiCH is an acronym for “Skin Wellness in Cellular Health,” and it boosts the skin’s bioenergetic capacity, enhancing its wellness and vitality.

By the age of 35-40, most systems in the body, including the skin, begin to exhibit decreased energy production. With SWiCH, this diminished bioenergetic capacity can be safely boosted, increasing the cell’s energy source. The SWiCH Dermal Rejuvenation System is ideal for mature clients with visible signs of ageing, including fine lines, skin laxity, irregular pigmentation, and dull appearance. The treatment can be used on all Fitzpatrick skin types.

Regular SWiCH treatments, combined with recommended home care products, reduce fine lines, diminish hyperpigmentation, and improve skin texture and tone. Additionally, SWiCH has a positive effect on dermal matrix proteins, including collagen and elastin.

The non-seasonal treatment is performed every four weeks to maximise mitochondrial energy production (ATP) within the Krebs cycle. It safely induces epidermal cell turnover by initiating stem cell activity in the basal layer. When combined with the new Revita-Cyte home care product, SWiCH is the best and most active rejuvenation product available, as it “gives” rather than “takes” from the skin.

Prices Starting From

  • £35


Remote Skin Consultation

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