AlumierMD Skincare

AlumierMD is a globally trusted medical-grade skincare brand dedicated to the latest advancements in clean science, and delivering therapeutic outcomes for clients presenting an array of skin conditions and concerns. AlumierMD ensures products are socially responsible and free from over 1300 substances that are banned by the EU and FDA. Their scientists select cutting-edge, medical grade active ingredients in concentrations that increase product efficacy as well as carrying out robust clinical testing, to ensure delivery of exceptional results in correcting a variety of skin concerns and conditions, including acne, ageing, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation.
Alongside our in-clinic treatments, Rejuvenation Rooms encourages AlumierMD products to be used by our clients for their own at-home skincare routine, as we know that continued use of these highly effective products everyday, is absolutely necessary to achieving and maintaining great skin.

Prices Starting From

  • £35


Remote Skin Consultation

One of our clinicians will respond via email within 2 working days with a suitable recommendation for you. Please note that other treatments e.g. injectables, profhilo, mole removal consultations are not available via remote consultation and require a face to face appointment. Call 01553 760352 to book a consultation with one of expert aestheticians today.

    treatment overview








      From start of use


    • What is Alumier MD skincare?

      AlumierMD is a true professionally-dispensed medical-grade skincare brand dedicated to the latest advancements in clean science and delivering therapeutic outcomes for patients presenting an array of skin conditions and concerns. AlumierMD don’t just “dust” their products with expensive ingredients to make marketing claims. They research the optimal ingredients and concentrations to create prescription-strength formulations for a wide range of skin concerns.

    • Can I buy Alumier MD products online?

      Our AlumierMD skincare professionals are at the top in the industry. We believe only a personalised and professional consultation can accurately assess your skin and address your individual concerns. AlumierMD products can be purchased in clinic or you will be able to replenish your products online by activating an account with our unique clinic access code given to you by your practitioner.


    Book your consultation today
